воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

charles and eddy

Mom-in-Law came down last night for a family get-together, and spent the night with us. Mom-in-law is pretty darn liberal (Not the most liberal in the family, but in the top ten) but has really started going from blinded hoplophobe, to somebody willing to discuss the gun issue. Last night while talking about current events she said:

"While I was watching the news propagate 24-hour panic about the financial collapse, I really thought apos;Wow, maybe the kids really have the right idea with this gun thing.apos;"

Progress is being made.


-Weerapos;d Beard
charles and eddy, charles and eddy lyrics, charles and frances hunter.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


I am currently housesitting for a couple days for a lovely family. They have a hot tub. I invited over some friends and coworkers and we had a blast. There was five of us and we drank three bottles of sparkling wine, drank whiskey, and ate lots of cake. We talked about boys, women issues, diversity issues, people at work, and strange childhood memories.

It was a blast. Most fun I have had in a long time. Several wonderful people sadly couldnapos;t make it, but if they did... The night would be off the hook

Itapos;s nights like these that I am so happy about my support system. All the people in my life are fantastic and there should never be a day in my life where I am depressed or feeling like poo. I have phone numbers of people who will drop anything for me. I love them. I am thankful.

Thank you Universe.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

braving the element

It is now my turn to rant about my stupid stupid car. At the grocery store, buying food cause Iapos;m hungry, and my car wonapos;t start. Battery dead. Matt comes to jump it and before I know it, this young guy is hooking his jeep up to my car. There are sparks, there is fire. Turns out this dumb ass put the negative on the positive plug. What an idiot. Finally, the car starts and has been starting since. Tomorrow I get paid, and I get to buy a new battery before I leave for Chattanooga. Supercool

Guess who is officially declared as a linguistics major? Thatapos;s right, itapos;s me. The trick is to bug everyone listed as a "department head" until someone, anyone emails you back. Dr. Leki is going to meet with me and assign an adviser and soon I will be a college graduate. Sounds cool.
braving the element, braving the elements.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

electric mosquito killer

Someone and I were talking tonight, and conversation came up about y parents.� They really had a love story...happily married over over 40years now.� It was a great blessing that my mother came down with Stage 4+ (and survived).� For the first time I saw them as more than my parents, and as two people madly in love.

When she had two years left to live, I asked her what she would like to do with the time left.� She calmly replied that after Dad had worked and sacrificed for 35 years, she gave these last years to him.� And she would go were he wanted to go, and do what he wanted to do.� I started crying right then and there

Dad then read to me the poem he read to her the first time he told her he loved her.� It was beautiful...and I cried then too.� He gave me the book he read that poem fromthat day, and I still hold it as one of my most valuable treasures.

Through out the treatment that she went through, Dad was there for her 9almost too much), and my sister and I saw them as the young couple they must have been so long ago.� They held hands. Looked at each other in long gazes.� He would just come up and hold her, for no reason than to be close.

It is a beautiful thing to watch a couple fall in love...especially when it is your parents, and when they have been inlove for so long.� There were many times my sister and I would just sit and watch them, unable to take our eyes off them, as they moved along unaware of anyone else on the world but themselves.

They have had their issues and fights; neither one is perfect.� And there have been times they have hurt one another very badly.� Mom has always been more forgiving and flexible than Dad, but Dadapos;s love is unwaivering as his devotion to her.

I feel privileged and blessed to have witnessed such a love story in my life, and even more so that it is my parents story.� I have been blessed to have them as an example of love and marriage.� To have them as an example of what it means to love and be loved.� And because of this I have a very high standard.

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bag biodegradable garbage

Have you ever discovered / suspected that someone on Livejournal was a completely made up person?

(I just discovered that there was a completely fake person in another community I sometimes read, and it BLEW MY MIND, MAN. I mean, theyapos;d been posting for as long as I remember reading the community It was amazing)

Have you ever had a personal encounter with a fake LJ-death?

(I only recently discovered the existence of communities dedicated to this phenomenon)

Have you created a fake persona, or faked an LJ-death before?
bag biodegradable garbage, bag biodegradable plastic, bag biodegradable pooper, bag biodegradable trash, bag biodegradable waste.

вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

curious george pc game serial

Monday skool started the lesson first lesson kinda interesting and donno i got the feeling i love stop motion stuffs. I hope i wanna create 1 and do it as my portfolio. And now my only choice is 3D. Not dudley boys but 3d animations. The lecture kinda relax but the module very weird gave us some video to of history how film was made.

afternoon lesson is wif eric, when he teach VID. I dont feeling very stress cos i have a background of doing website but not pro yet. Simple one will do. But when he gave us 1000 words to do... Stress already... Hahah... Need to submit by 2359 on tomorrow. Btw had dinner at mac wif kok, matt, vin and claud. The wassabi fries is nice if u put more wasabi powder. At bus dose off, and at home continue wif the 1000 words essay. I just critics like debating style. Before i sleep i get 1000 words and im happy wif it. Tomorrow i will choose my sport for a module i hope soccer will not occupied.
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воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

book holder page

Minnesota had to pick this year to have a good year. Minny's upset over Illinois today will hurt Penn State once the BCS rankings come out, as the Lions do not play the Gophers this year.

Penn State also doesn't play Northwestern, which also was having a big year until Michigan State handled the Wildcats today.

And then those bums at Michigan went and lost today to a MAC school that had only one victory coming in. That, too, will hurt the Lions.

I guess, at the end of the day, Penn State doesn't really have to worry about other teams. It just has to take care of of its own bin-ness, starting in about 10 minutes. (Mike Patrick, Todd Blackledge and Holly Rowe are doing the big game on ESPN.)

More later.

E-mail comments and questions by clicking on the Comment link below.

book holder page, book holder nordic track, book holder metal.

суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

brian solberg

I sat on the couch with my two sons this morning (the youngest in my lap) and watched two episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Watching lush CGI Star Wars adventures on a Saturday morning with my boys was a treat. Iapos;ve read a few reviews of The Clone Wars, and theyapos;ve all been negative. Pity those that never outgrow their hip cynicism.

Iapos;m thrilled at the prospect of this series. George Lucas employed an army of artists to create characters, ships, costumes, locations and such to flesh out the three prequel films. It would be a shame not to use all of that work to provide fans with some additional adventures in that universe.

I particularly liked the on-going reminder that "the Old Republic" was not defeated by the Empire but rather it became the Empire. The Republic warships are early versions of the Imperial Star Destroyers that we see in episodes IV - VI. The chest plates on the Jedi generals are the same later worn by black-clad Darth Vader. Those Republic warships are commanded by the same British-accented admirals that later command the Imperial Navy.

I like that when the clones troopers take their helmets off we can see that theyapos;ve made attempts to establish themselves as individuals with different hair cuts. Also, we learn that the republic makes every effort to evacuate wounded clone troopers and provide them with medical attention.

Most of all, I like the expanded canvas that a TV series provides. If you like Star Trek: The Next Generation, imagine if the only Trek material featuring Jean-Luc Picard you ever saw was Star Trek: Generations, Insurrection, and Nemesis. Would the phrase, "Tea: Earl Gray, hot," even ring a familiar chord in your consciousness? A TV series allows for so much more depth of character and complexity of story than a movie or even a series of movies can.

Perhaps I had the advantage of genuine child-fan enthusiasm in the room that I could tune into, but I have zero truck with critics who claim that this series is ruining their child-hood Star Wars memories.

The boys are now playing Lego Star Wars on the PS3.

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